Creepy Guy Detector and the Aura of Ammon

There is a special Gift of the Spirit that comes as a form of protection. It is an extension of the Gift of Discernment and among the programs at Life Changing Services it is known as "The Creepy Guy Detector."  It is also sometimes called the “Creep-o-meter.” This is a gift that some men have and many can learn. On the other hand, God has blessed almost all of His daughters with this protecting gift, they just need to be taught how to recognize it and always heed its warning.

There seems to be a strong connection between the righteous women of Zion and the ability to discern creepy versus pure, good from evil, and the origin of social trends. "Many women have the gift of discernment. Often blessed with the power to know and understand beyond their experience." -Elaine L. Jack (April 1996 General Conference)

This Creepy Guy Detector is a real thing. It is difficult to describe what it feels like, but a couple stories from a General Conference talk relate very well.

When he was a young man, Elder Spencer V. Jones of the Quorum of the Seventy was out at night with two friends. One friend accidentally kicked a skunk and all three of them got sprayed. They smelt so bad that they were not allowed in the house, were subjected to many humiliating home remedies for the stench (which all failed), and nobody would interact with them for days.

After a while, naively thinking the smell was gone, we tried to approach some normal-smelling girls. They would not allow us within yards…

At times, consequences of sin may appear to be very subtle to the sinner. We may even convince ourselves, as we did before approaching the girls, that no one will be able to detect our sins and that they are well concealed. But always to our Heavenly Father and often to spiritually sensitive leaders, parents, and friends, our sins are glaringly apparent.

While attending a youth fireside with Elder Richard G. Scott, I noticed five youths scattered among the congregation whose countenances or body language almost screamed that something was spiritually amiss in their lives. After the meeting, when I mentioned the five youths to Elder Scott, he simply replied, 'There were eight.'" -Spencer V. Jones (April 2003 General Conference, emphasis added)

To those who have this spiritual awareness, sin cannot be hidden. They may not know what is amiss in the sinner's life, but they know something is "off" or not quite right.

Anyone who is willing to work can learn the Gift of Discernment and the accompanying Creepy Guy Detector.  Russel M. Nelson has said that:

Personal revelation can be honed to become spiritual discernment. To discern means to sift, to separate, or to distinguish. The gift of spiritual discernment is a supernal gift. It allows members of the Church to see things not visible and to feel things not tangible.  With that gift, sisters may view trends in the world and detect those that, however popular, are shallow or even dangerous (April 2009 General Conference).

Aneladee Milne who is a mental health therapist and an expert on teaching about The Creepy Guy Detector describes it this way:

The Creepy Guy Detector is the sense a girl or woman gets when she detects there is something off about someone. We call it a “felt” sense. The felt sense is a manifestation in her body. The creepy guy detector is a subtle repulsive feeling. It is sometimes felt in the gut. She will notice her nose curl up a little as if something smells “fishy” (click here to read more of what she has to say).

An important point that I want to make is that even though we call this gift of discernment the Creepy Guy Detector, it is not only men who are “creepy” or not living virtuous lives.  Women as well as men can give off a creepy vibe.  Boys and men may be less likely to notice this unvirtuous vibe because this gift of discernment does not seem to come as easily or naturally to them. That is one reason why it is so important for parents to meet the friends and romantic partners of their children. Teenagers either may not notice or may not pay attention to the subtle spiritual warnings they are receiving about the people around them.

If you are the one who has some sort of relationship with someone who sets off your Creep-o-meter, seriously seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost to find out if you are safe around that person.  You most likely aren’t, or the Creepy Guy Detector would not be going off in the first place.  You will likely feel compelled to stay with them, because if you just love them enough then they will change and rid themselves of their unvirtuous habits.  That is not your job.  It is very rare that your staying with them will actually bring them to a better place.  You may actually be accidentally sending the message that you are okay with the stench of skunk that they carry, that you are okay with the lifestyle that causes them to reek of sin.  Leaving your friend, partner, or whoever it is may be one of the most helpful things you can do for them, and definitely safer for you.

As with other spiritual principles, there is an opposition in all things. Just as there is a spiritual aura that is repulsive, there is another that is attractive. I don't mean attractive in a romantic sense. We just feel safe around these people.  Feeling safe around someone and feeling good around them are not the same thing. It feels edifying, uplifting, safe, and even healing to spend time with this kind of individual. Again, this is something that women tend to notice more than men. It also tends to mean much more to women than it does to men. When I was younger I called this influence the Aura of Ammon (mostly because I liked the alliteration in the name). As I learned, I discovered this is really part of the Light of Christ shining through somebody.

We need to learn and be taught to pay close attention to the Creepy Guy Detector within us. It will give advance warning if someone close to us (a friend, a parent, a sibling, a spouse, etc.) is living an unvirtuous life.  This “felt sense,” this gift of discernment can help keep us and those we love safe from physical, emotional, and spiritual harm.  It can also help to bring sources of light into their life and their home.  Elder Boyd K. Packer said, “We need women with the gift of discernment who can view the trends in the world and detect those that, however popular, are shallow or dangerous.  We need women who can discern those positions that may not be popular at all, but are right" (October 1978 General Conference).

If you'd like me to be your coach and help you put these principles into action, click this link to schedule a time to meet.

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