Chemical Scale - Level 5: "Forget It!"

This is the second in a series of articles on the Chemical Scale. 

Level 5 is what we call the "Forget it!" moment. This is the most obvious of the lower levels of the chemical scale, and can often be recognized easily once you know what to look for.

Level 5 is the point where you give up, but haven't actually lost yet. This is when you choose to stop fighting and give in to the pressure and temptation to act against your value system.

We've all experienced a Level 5 at some point, though you may not be able to remember a specific instance right now. I like to explain is as that time you were working on a project late at night, trying to beat a deadline. You're stressed and things aren't going the way you want them to. After another thing goes wrong you just get so frustrated that you decide you don't care anymore and storm off to bed. That is Level 5, the point where there is so much pressure that you don't care about the consequences anymore and do what you know you shouldn't.

Using the coin donation funnel analogy, this is when the coin is over halfway down the funnel and begins to pick up speed.  It isn't deep in the throat yet, but it will get there soon.

Going back to the cookie at work example from the last article, this is when you've been staring at and resisting the cookies for what feels like forever. Then, when you feel like you just can't help it anymore, you choose to ignore your goal and reach for a cookie.

It is possible to win a battle at this stage, but it rarely happens and is immensely difficult. Winning at this stage usually requires intervention from someone else.  Someone could slap your hand as you reach for the cookie, a quick snatch could rescue the coin, but if there is no external intervention then the battle will almost certainly be lost.

In the next article, we will explore Level 4 of the Chemical Scale, the Irrational Conversation

To hire me as your life coach where we can create a plan to put the above principles into practice for you, follow this link.  Fighting Like a Dragon - Life Coaching

Chemical Scale - Overview

This is the first in a series of articles about the Chemical Scale.

Understanding the Chemical Scale is an important part of learning how to fight your spiritual battles. We win our spiritual battles when we continue to make choices dictated by our value system, what matters most to us. We lose battles when we allow our moods to make our choices for us. Learning how to recognize what level you are at can help you understand what techniques are necessary to win a battle. It can also help you recognize when you are under attack earlier in the battle, which often makes it easier to win. Like learning almost any skill, this takes effort and practice.

What we refer to as the Chemical Scale is something that describes how "stoned" or how "past feeling" (1 Nephi 17:45) someone is. It goes from 0 to 10, with 10 being the moment where the person does something they believe to be wrong, or that they have committed not to do. In other words, this is how people who are usually intelligent and self-disciplined end up doing something contrary to their value system.

From a more science-y perspective, this is how energy moves from the prefrontal cortex of the brain (where planning, judgments, values, and moral decisions are made) to the middle portion of the brain (where all that matters are things like food, water, reproducing, sleep, etc.).  At each level of the Chemical Scale, the judgment/value center of the brain loses energy and the basic drive (natural man) part of the brain gains power.

It may be helpful to think of the chemical scale as one of those large funnel-shaped coin donation wells that you see at malls and museums. You place the coin on the little ramp, then let it roll around the large plastic funnel. At first, the coin stays near the top, making large circuits that are relatively slow. The coin gradually rolls further in, moving faster and faster. Eventually, the coin is completely horizontal, moving so fast around the small throat at the bottom of the funnel that it blurs into what looks like a ring instead of a coin. Then, the coin drops out of sight and with a small "clink" is out of your possession for good.

Before the coin is released down the ramp, it is within your full control and your choices are determined by your values. Once the coin begins its journey around the funnel, biochemicals enter your system that will begin to pull your mental energy away from the moral-based decision area of your brain back towards the "animal brain." Unless something interrupts the coin as it rolls around the funnel, it will drop through the bottom and be lost. Similarly, unless you do something to interrupt the chemicals dripping into your system, you will find yourself doing something against your value system.

It is easiest to learn about and understand the individual levels of the Chemical Scale in reverse order. We will start with the most obvious and work backward to the most subtle. You can also view them in levels of difficulty. It is easiest to win a battle at Level 0, it is too late to win at Level 10 because the battle has already been lost.

The levels in the Chemical Scale are:
10- Crash
9-6- Spiraling out of control
5- "Forget it!"
4- Irrational conversation
3- "Dude!" moment
2- Unedifying emotion(s)
1- Chemical spill
0- In control

Level 10 is when you actually do the thing you know is against your value system. We'll use a relatively common example. Let's say you are trying to be more conscious about what you eat and how much. You have set the goal to not eat snacks or treats while you are at work. Today a coworker brought homemade chocolate chip cookies (or some other treat that you really enjoy) and they invited everyone to have some. They set the cookies on your desk because your workspace is near the center of the office. After trying hard to resist for a while, you give in and eat a cookie even though you have committed to yourself that you wouldn't. "The Crash" does not occur until you have eaten a bite of the cookie. All of the fighting and resisting occurs in the earlier levels and any guilt or remorse will happen later. "The Crash" is simply the event of doing something you believe is wrong, or that you committed not to do. At this point, the fight is over and the battle is lost. Now you have to learn from the loss and begin to fight again. 

Explained another way with the coin donation funnel from earlier, this is when the coin drops down through the hole at the bottom of the funnel.  The coin/battle is gone and you now have to look towards the future and what you will do with your next coin.

In levels 9 through 6 you are just spiraling out of control, but have not yet actually eaten the cookie or done the thing against your value system.  This is when the coin is deep within the funnel and is rapidly picking up speed, but hasn't dropped through the hole yet. There is not much in these levels to discuss. It is possible to come back from a Level 6, or even a Level 9, and win but it almost never happens. Winning at these levels almost always requires external intervention, often both divine and mortal.

Each of the other Levels will be explored in depth in their own article. Next, we will focus on Level 5, the "Forget it!" moment.

If you'd like me to be your coach and help you put these principles into action, click this link to schedule a time to meet.

Chemical Scale - Level 4: Irrational Conversation

This is the third in a series of articles on the Chemical Scale.

Level 4 is what we call the Irrational (or Stupid) Conversation. I like to explain that this is a lot like a scene from the Disney movie, "The Emperor's New Groove." In the movie there is a character named Kronk who has a shoulder angel and a shoulder devil. At one point he wrestles with the dilemma of obey his boss or save a life. Shoulder angel and devil show up to help, but the conversation makes no sense.  When Kronk tries to ask why the shoulder devil’s arguments are relevant, the shoulder angel says, “No, no, he has a point.”

The reason this example can be helpful is that when we review these conversations later, they sound so ridiculous.  We often don’t dare to repeat any part of these arguments out loud because of how stupid they sound.  BUT, in the moment and inside of our heads they make sense!

Our own personal Irrational Conversations may not involve one-handed hand-stands, but they are often nearly as ridiculous as the one that Kronk had.  Our conversations normally include elements such as, “You know where this is going” “You should stop now” “A little more won’t hurt” “I’ll stop soon” or “I can stop myself in time/before I go too far.”  Looking back at a time when you did something you regret; can you identify parts of your Irrational Conversation?  It may take some practice. Remember, we are working from most obvious to most subtle on the Chemical Scale. If you find yourself at a Level 5 with no memory of an Irrational Conversation, you likely just need to practice looking for some of the parts of that conversation. 

Going back to our cookies at work example from the last two articles, let’s identify what a Level 4 might sound like.  To clarify, this conversation takes place AFTER the initial moment of temptation.  You’ve possibly thought about having a cookie a couple of times but haven’t eaten one yet.  You may have even told yourself “no” several times.  You might catch yourself reaching for a cookie and then pull back at the last second.

Shoulder Devil: They look so good.  They probably taste even better than they look.

Shoulder Angel: You are trying to take better care of your body.  Ignore them.  Focus on your work.

Shoulder Devil: I can’t, they’re right there in front of me.  And they smell so good!  It would be rude to not at least try one.

Shoulder Angel: Remember what happened last time you just “tried one?”  Look away, think about what you want to accomplish by not eating these snacks.

Shoulder Devil: But I can always start again later.  I’ll probably end up messing up tonight anyway.  I might as well do it now while I can enjoy it.

This conversation can last a few seconds, or it can go on for days, depending on what the temptation is.  You may also have noticed that the Shoulder Angel normally speaks TO you, but the Shoulder Devil speaks as if they ARE you.  Satan is an excellent ventriloquist and he will speak to you in your own voice inside your head.  He will try to make it seem like he was never there, and you made the poor decision all on your own.

With practice, it is relatively easy to identify when you are at a Level 4.  If you catch yourself arguing with “yourself” about whether or not you should do something, you are most likely at a Level 4.

Winning these battles are tough, but doable.  They almost always require physical action, even exertion.  Using the cookie example, if you just sit there and stare at or try to ignore the cookies you will most likely end up eating one.  Even ignoring them is insufficient.  The cookies will hover there in your peripheral vision, just on the edge of your consciousness.  If you don’t get up and move, you will lose.  That may mean running to your Flagpole, doing pushups in the breakroom, or even moving the cookies to someone else’s desk.

This takes courage and determination, but if you don’t use your body then you will lose.  You can’t beat Satan in psychological warfare.  He’s been practicing it for over 7,000 years.  If you try to beat him using only your brain, you will lose.  You have to take the battle to a battlefield where you have an advantage. Get up and move, get your heart rate up, and you will win almost every time.

In our next article, we will look more closely at Level 3: The Dude! Moment.

To hire me as your life coach where we can create a plan to put the above principles into practice for you, follow this link.  Fighting Like a Dragon - Life Coaching

Guilt can be helpful?

"How can guilt be helpful? I thought all it did was cause pain or discomfort."

It turns out, guilt can actually be a very helpful emotion. Elder Neil L. Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said in the October 2016 General Conference,  “Guilt is like a battery in a gasoline-powered car. It can light up the car, start the engine, and power the headlights, but it will not provide the fuel for the long journey ahead.  The battery, by itself is not sufficient. And neither is guilt.”

Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles described guilt as spiritual pain, and discussed its divinely intended purpose in his conference addresses in April 1989 and April 2001.  “You have an alarm system built into both body and spirit. In your body it is pain; in your spirit it is guilt - or spiritual pain. Both are a protection, for they sound the alarm ‘Don’t do that again!’”  “Guilt is to the spirit what pain is to the physical body. Physical pain is nature’s warning system that signals something needs to be changed or cleansed or treated.”

Guilt plays an important role, but it is important to differentiate between shame and guilt. They are not the same and they influence us in very different ways.

Shame and guilt are similar experiences, but their purposes, effects, and durations are different. Guilt is an uncomfortable or painful experience that is meant to invite improvement. It tells us that something is wrong and that changes need to be made. It can even help motivate us to start doing better.

Shame is an uncomfortable or painful experience that is meant to fester and discourage. Shame tells us that we are wrong, that we are broken and messed up. Shame tells us that we consistently fail and that every time we try to improve we end up worse than we were before.

Guilt is normally short-lived, it draws attention to failure and leaves as soon as you determine to improve. Shame lasts a long time, even after commitments to progress have been made. It nags, and undermines, and refuses to leave like a stubborn weed.

Guilt can be helpful, as long as it is experienced in a healthy way and leads you to change, repent, and improve.  When it lingers, causes more pain, and leads you to stagnate or do worse than you did before it is shame and needs to be removed from your life just like any other destructive thing.

To hire me as your life coach where we can create a plan to put the above principles into practice for you, follow this link.  Fighting Like a Dragon - Life Coaching

Systematic Repentance: a structured approach to change

Repentance can be such a daunting word. As a 20-year-old missionary trying to help people come closer to Jesus Christ, I thought I understoo...