Chemical Scale - Level 4: Irrational Conversation

This is the third in a series of articles on the Chemical Scale.

Level 4 is what we call the Irrational (or Stupid) Conversation. I like to explain that this is a lot like a scene from the Disney movie, "The Emperor's New Groove." In the movie there is a character named Kronk who has a shoulder angel and a shoulder devil. At one point he wrestles with the dilemma of obey his boss or save a life. Shoulder angel and devil show up to help, but the conversation makes no sense.  When Kronk tries to ask why the shoulder devil’s arguments are relevant, the shoulder angel says, “No, no, he has a point.”

The reason this example can be helpful is that when we review these conversations later, they sound so ridiculous.  We often don’t dare to repeat any part of these arguments out loud because of how stupid they sound.  BUT, in the moment and inside of our heads they make sense!

Our own personal Irrational Conversations may not involve one-handed hand-stands, but they are often nearly as ridiculous as the one that Kronk had.  Our conversations normally include elements such as, “You know where this is going” “You should stop now” “A little more won’t hurt” “I’ll stop soon” or “I can stop myself in time/before I go too far.”  Looking back at a time when you did something you regret; can you identify parts of your Irrational Conversation?  It may take some practice. Remember, we are working from most obvious to most subtle on the Chemical Scale. If you find yourself at a Level 5 with no memory of an Irrational Conversation, you likely just need to practice looking for some of the parts of that conversation. 

Going back to our cookies at work example from the last two articles, let’s identify what a Level 4 might sound like.  To clarify, this conversation takes place AFTER the initial moment of temptation.  You’ve possibly thought about having a cookie a couple of times but haven’t eaten one yet.  You may have even told yourself “no” several times.  You might catch yourself reaching for a cookie and then pull back at the last second.

Shoulder Devil: They look so good.  They probably taste even better than they look.

Shoulder Angel: You are trying to take better care of your body.  Ignore them.  Focus on your work.

Shoulder Devil: I can’t, they’re right there in front of me.  And they smell so good!  It would be rude to not at least try one.

Shoulder Angel: Remember what happened last time you just “tried one?”  Look away, think about what you want to accomplish by not eating these snacks.

Shoulder Devil: But I can always start again later.  I’ll probably end up messing up tonight anyway.  I might as well do it now while I can enjoy it.

This conversation can last a few seconds, or it can go on for days, depending on what the temptation is.  You may also have noticed that the Shoulder Angel normally speaks TO you, but the Shoulder Devil speaks as if they ARE you.  Satan is an excellent ventriloquist and he will speak to you in your own voice inside your head.  He will try to make it seem like he was never there, and you made the poor decision all on your own.

With practice, it is relatively easy to identify when you are at a Level 4.  If you catch yourself arguing with “yourself” about whether or not you should do something, you are most likely at a Level 4.

Winning these battles are tough, but doable.  They almost always require physical action, even exertion.  Using the cookie example, if you just sit there and stare at or try to ignore the cookies you will most likely end up eating one.  Even ignoring them is insufficient.  The cookies will hover there in your peripheral vision, just on the edge of your consciousness.  If you don’t get up and move, you will lose.  That may mean running to your Flagpole, doing pushups in the breakroom, or even moving the cookies to someone else’s desk.

This takes courage and determination, but if you don’t use your body then you will lose.  You can’t beat Satan in psychological warfare.  He’s been practicing it for over 7,000 years.  If you try to beat him using only your brain, you will lose.  You have to take the battle to a battlefield where you have an advantage. Get up and move, get your heart rate up, and you will win almost every time.

In our next article, we will look more closely at Level 3: The Dude! Moment.

To hire me as your life coach where we can create a plan to put the above principles into practice for you, follow this link.  Fighting Like a Dragon - Life Coaching

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